
Gaijin lolita i Fukuoka~


Kategori: Allmänt

So...It has been about 2,5 weeks since I moved to Japan. It has been a little lonely here alone, but I have also jag some fun. This week is my first working week and I must say that I am enjoying my work a lot! The children är very fun and cute and all the staff in the schools are very friendly and kind. I hope nothing changes! (*^_^*) I do get tired after a whole day of teaching, but I also look forward to the next day and next classes. 

Japan is now entering the rainy season. It has been raining every day for 3 days now and today was really windy! I wonder if it could count as a typhoon... at least I think it can. XD The weekend seems to be rain free and Im really liking worward to it. (^ー゜)


  • Mattias säger:

    Hoppas du har det gött, har du nån plan på hur länge du ska bo där? ;D

    Also, jag är avis!

    Svar: Just nu är det inte planerat när jag ska hem :P Så jag kanske bor här LÄÄÄÄÄÄÄNGE :D

    2014-06-05 | 22:30:00

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