
Gaijin lolita i Fukuoka~

Spread the Harajuku Hapiness

Kategori: Allmänt

In Sweden today is Valborg - a day when families go to look at a big fire celebrating the coming of the spring and students gather in parks to drink a lot of alcohol from morning until, probably tomorrow. As I am not a party person I usually avoid going in to the city on this day, but I hope everyone else out there will have fun.

Today I thought to share a nice, happy video of the people in Harajuku as a spring celebration. ( ^  ^ ) I really enjoyed this video, as it was playful, happy and lifted my mood every time I watched it. The best thing about it is that you can see a lot of different people, not only alternative fashion fans, but also families and shop staff. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


A Midsummer Night's Dream - small photoshoot

Kategori: Allmänt

When I tried on my new Midsummer Night's Dream JSK I couldn't miss the opportunity to take some pictures outside. It is still cold in Sweden but there have been some sunny, spring-like days too. I was lucky with the weather that day and even found a blooming tree! ( ^ w ^ )
Here are my favorite pictures taken on that day.
We don't have too many places for good pictures in Lund, so it seems that every time I wear slightly more gothic lolita I end up taking pictures near/with the cathedral. haha
The tree hasn't really bloomed out yet, but it's buds were big and white and pretty anyway. ( ^ ^ )
This is my favorite picture! I had to stare directly into the setting sun, which hurt my eyes but made my lenses kind-of glow in an orange-ish color. 
I hope it gets warmer soon. Even though it is spring the weather is still cold and the wind even colder. ( >< ) I really long for summer, when I don't have to wear a jacket and freeze anyway.

Midsummer Nights Dream

Kategori: Allmänt

I was able to reserve a Midsummer Night Dream JSK from Alice and the pirates almost thre month ago and now I have finally recieved it! ヾ(@⌒ー⌒@)ノ I have wanted this dress since the first time I saw it about 4 years ago and I was really happy to hear that they did a re-realize of the print. Good thing I was in Japan when they did it and was able to reserve the dress from attempt number two! It is really, really pretty and I am very very happy. (*^_^*)

Today I matched it with some gothic elements and went for a kind of doll look. Since I just got my new Vivienne Westwood  bag and necklace I just had to wear them too. (^ー゜)

I really like bonnets. I think I need a white one! 

And there's my face. ☆〜(ゝ。∂)

Fashion snap

Kategori: Allmänt

A simple coord from today! (^ー゜) I was out with my brother and boyfriend in Malmö, drinking some coffee and playing around. ♪(v^_^)v

Fashion snap

Kategori: Allmänt

Today I went to a cafe with a japanese friend. ( ^  ^ ) It was really nice to meet her and to chat in japanese for a while. I really feel that my japanese leves has gone down since I came back to Sweden and it has only been 3 weeks. ( T___T ) If I don't practice I will forget it all! NOOOO! Luckely since me and my friend agreed to meet and chat once a week, I can practice a bit.
I wore casual lolita today. An outfit composed of BABY, Innocent worls, Angelic Pretty, Q-pot and Grimoire. I really love my Grimoire tights! Too bad the other type I wanted was sold out when I went to their shop in Shinjuku.